Uncovering The Truth for Over 26 Years
Hours: 9:00-5:00pm M-F
Serving Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, and Reading
Alimony Reduction
In attempt to reduce or eliminate spousal support, Cohabitation Investigations goes hand in hand. A very popular option exercised in this instance is Unmanned Surveillance. We can place a covert camera with scheduled recording time to watch the residence in question. The camera can be set up for a few hours up to a month. Our recommendation from past experiences, is to document with video only during weekdays as weekends people naturally have visitors staying in the home.
Another deciding factor for alimony reduction is a prenuptial agreement. In Pennsylvania, prenuptial agreements are binding and enforceable if certain requirements are met. Should the receiving party be disregarding any of the factors stated in the agreement, we can document and record any visible activity.
What Can We Do?
We have saved many of our clients thousands of dollars by providing evidence that can be used in court.
The investigator on the case will testify in court if requested.
We are based in the heart of Lancaster and are capable of taking in local cases to begin as soon as the next day. You will receive photographs, video footage, and a detailed report of the evidence gathered. We employ local investigators in the York, PA and surrounding area. This ensures a quick response and a complete knowledge of the area.
What determines whether parties are cohabiting?
23 Pa.C.S.A. § 3706 provides that, "No Petitioner is entitled to receive an award of alimony where the Petitioner, subsequent to the divorce pursuant to which alimony is being sought, has entered into cohabitation with a person of the opposite sex who is not a member of the family of the Petitioner within the degrees of consanguinity."
Surveillance / Unmanned Surveillance
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Alimony Reduction/Cohabitation Investigation
Infidelity/Cheating Investigations
Child Custody/Support Investigations
Many Other Services Provided (Call for Details)