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Cheating Spouse/Partner Investigation

Is your husband, wife or partner cheating?

The suspicion that your spouse may be unfaithful/cheating is a painful thought. Unfortunately, if you have a suspicion that your spouse is unfaithful/cheating, you may be right. According to statistics, wives who suspect their husbands of cheating are correct 85% of the time, while husbands who suspect their wives of cheating are correct 50% of the time. Research has suggested that approximately 60% of men and 40% of women will cheat at least once in their marriage. Despite the prevalence of cheating, 70% of married women and 54% of married men do not know about their spouse's infidelity.

“Always trust your gut feeling”

Common signs of a cheating spouse or partner?

  • Changes in intimacy: A distinct increase or decrease in intimacy, affection levels, and/or sexual preferences may indicate infidelity.

  • Suspicious phone habits: A spouse that hides his or her phone or is secretive about their call logs and text messages may be cheating.

  • Changes in appearance: A change in style of dress, intimate wear, and/or personal hygiene can be a clue.

  • Suspicious internet use: Much like phone habits, a cheating spouse may be overly secretive when it comes to their browser history and general internet and computer habits. Do they ever leave their phone unattended?

  • Changes in work routine:  They suddenly needs to “work late” or “go to a conference” frequently is a sign of infidelity.

  • Changes in bathing habits:  They shower right when they get home, switches cologne or perfume, or changes their grooming habits can be a sign of cheating.

Why hire Lancaster Detective Agency?

There are a variety of reasons why investigating infidelity/cheating on your own might not be the best option. For one, it can be both emotionally and physically draining.


Our private investigators will find more information in less time and will remain emotionally detached. The validity of evidence is also more concrete when gathered by an investigator. While an upset spouse/partner may capture pictures or video of their cheating spouse, this evidence may not be considered valid by a court of law.


A private investigator is unbiased and knowledgeable about family law so their proof will stand up in court.

What does an Infidelity/Cheating Investigation look like?

Investigations will vary based on your needs. However, many times an investigation to catch a cheating spouse will include:

  • Case Intake - We will gather as much information as possible about the spouse/partner in question, including regular activities, images, vehicle information and hobbies. Though it may be painful, the more information you share the more successful the investigation will be. Information is gather using our intake form. A retainer is required and payment is rendered before investigation is started. All information is considered confidential. Submit Case Now for Review


  • Surveillance – We will conduct surveillance on your spouse using advanced surveillance methods to ensure that you obtain the evidence you need. Some of these methods include physical surveillance, tracking your spouse’s vehicle, remote video camera systems, and covert cameras. We are experience with investigative equipment as well as designing our own equipment in house.


  • Evidence - Evidence can not only give you peace of mind via indisputable proof but will also stand up in court for potential divorce and support settlements.

What should I expect from an Infidelity/Cheating Investigation?

Investigations into cheating spouses/partners can range from a couple hours to several months. On average cases typically range in cost from $350.00- $2500.00. Regardless of the length of time, when you contract Lancaster Detective Agency about a cheating spouse/partner you will be treated with discretion and respect.


We will listen to your suspicions, take them seriously, and will ask you how you want the investigation conducted. You will remain in control of how the investigation proceeds.


You will be able to get regular updates about the status of the investigation and only you will get to decide what to do with the information that is gathered.

Lancaster Detective Agency LLC
313 W. Liberty Street, Suite 127 Lancaster, PA 17603
By Appointment Only
Call/Text 717-553-7503 
9:00-5:00pm M-F

Licensed in PA

© 2025 Lancaster Detective Agency LLC

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