Uncovering The Truth for Over 26 Years

Hours: 9:00-5:00pm M-F
Serving Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, and Reading
When Does Infidelity Occur?
While infidelity can occur at any time in a relationship, there are certain times when it is more likely to occur than others. In addition, there are certain relationship factors which can dramatically increase the potential for infidelity. Throughout the life of nearly all relationships, there are four timetable events which can incite infidelity.
After the First Year of Marriage.
This generally is a time at which most people would not consider the likelihood of infidelity to be that great. For this reason, it is also the time when affairs are the least detected.
After the first year of marriage, the whirlwind ends, and routine begins to set in. The emotional high that both partners had been experiencing is gone. This leaves a void. It is similar to the effects of drugs. Once you are high and come back down, you want to get high again. The new husband or wife may no longer consistently supply what is needed to find that high.
Affairs occurring after the first year of marriage are almost never detected, and are typically just flings. There is no real emotional attachment to the other person and the cheating partner can still feel love from their new husband or wife. Regardless, if it happens here, the chances of it happening again later on in the relationship have increased substantially.

After the First Child is Born.
This occurrence can sometimes be blended in with the previous scenario, as many couples may have their first child after the first year of marriage. Aside from that, the reasons between the two can be very different.
Children change a relationship no matter how you look at it. The first child is always more traumatic than the rest. It brings about stress, fatigue, and the need to give the majority of your attention to someone other than your husband or wife. While affairs after the first year of marriage are brought about by an individual’s feelings towards himself or herself, affairs after the first child are brought on by the couples’ feelings towards each other.
Middle Age.
Also, known as the mid-life crisis. This is where the children are all grown and have left an empty nest. At this point, both men and women begin to question their lot in life. They are essentially back where they started; a couple living together with no children to care for. Except now they have around twenty years of experience with each other. This lends itself to the question of whether they want to spend another twenty plus years with the same individual.
This second childhood so to speak, brings around noticeable changes in both men and women. A man might buy a sports car, a woman might feel the need for a new youthful hairstyle. Both may start exercising or purchase a new, "younger" wardrobe. Whatever the particulars, they will not be doing this for the benefit of the other. They will be doing it for themselves as much as for anyone other than their mate.
Middle Age.
Also, known as the mid-life crisis. This is where the children are all grown and have left an empty nest. At this point, both men and women begin to question their lot in life. They are essentially back where they started; a couple living together with no children to care for. Except now they have around twenty years of experience with each other. This lends itself to the question of whether they want to spend another twenty plus years with the same individual.
This second childhood so to speak, brings around noticeable changes in both men and women. A man might buy a sports car, a woman might feel the need for a new youthful hairstyle. Both may start exercising or purchase a new, "younger" wardrobe. Whatever the particulars, they will not be doing this for the benefit of the other. They will be doing it for themselves as much as for anyone other than their mate.